How to Pick the Right Executor
When writing out your will, there are many different things that will need to be considered and planned — from who you will leave your items to, to planning your final wishes. These decisions may be difficult to make, especially when you are still healthy and far from the end, but it is also important to do while you are healthy.
One of the most important things to decide while writing your will is who to name as your executor or trustee. According to FindLaw, an executor or trustee is the person who will be in charge of making sure that a person’s final wishes are granted in regards to the distributing their property and possessions. While that may seem easy enough, an executor has many more responsibilities. This is why it is important to choose the right executor.
How are you supposed to know who is the right executor for your will? Susan Gwinn, Attorney at Law, can help you to decide the right executor for you. Susan Gwinn can help you create a will, determine who to leave your possessions to, and help you find the right executor who is ready for the job.
An executor has a tough duty, and whoever you choose should be willing to do the job. Making sure that the person you choose is up for the challenge is the final step. In this blog, we will go over some tips to picking the right executor and how to narrow down the list.
You can always name a family member as your executor, and this could be a great idea because they most likely know your wishes better than anyone else. But they may not be prepared to take on this responsibility. You will also want to make sure that they will outlive you. While you can’t always plan this, try not to pick someone who has any health issues, who is older than you, or even close to the same age. Your kids can be good choices if they are willing to take the responsibility. You can also choose your spouse, but you will definitely want to take their age and health into consideration, and possibly choose an alternative.
Never name all of your children as co-executors. It can make the job messier and cause a fight. Pick one or don’t pick any, it will help them out and allow for your wishes to be taken care of with more ease.

Naming a friend can be a good way to go, but make sure you trust them and they are willing to get the job done. Make a list of the friends you trust and narrow it down from there. Once you find a few friends that you trust, reach out and ask if they would be able to take on this responsibility. You want to be sure your executor knows that you chose them and you want to be sure they will do a good job.
Other Tips
Besides choosing an executor who will likely live longer than you, there are other things you should do to pick the right executor. Be sure to talk to other family members or friends who you did not choose so that they don’t feel insulted. You will also want to check in every couple of years to make sure your executor is still up for the challenge. If something happens in the family or with a friend, and you are no longer in touch with the executor, then be sure to choose a new one. These tips can help when it comes time to picking the right executor for your will.
Advice From an Estate Attorney
If you still need additional help picking and executor or writing a will, contact Susan Gwinn. Susan Gwinn practices law in Southeastern Ohio, serving individuals throughout Athens County and beyond, and she can help you with all of your estate planning needs.